

Pack Food Boxes or Wrap Christmas Gifts (All Year) at Wings of Grace (As long as you want)

Monday - Wednesday 1:00 PM- 4:30 PM

Thursday 8:30 AM -12:30 PM

Serve a Meal with Community Soup Bowl (1 Hour 30 Minutes, as frequently as you want)

Community Soup Bowl needs volunteers Monday-Friday 10:30-12:30

Sign up your group or family of 4-10 people to serve!

Help at the Temporary Emergency Services Thrift Store (Monday - Saturday, 9am - 4:30pm)

TES needs volunteers in their thrift store, food pantry, cashiers or even to smile and greet.

Monday-Saturday 9:00-4:30 and Sunday 11:00-3:00.

Email for more information

 "Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God's grace in its various forms." - I Peter 4:10  

When we love others, we find purpose and meaning in life. The best way to love someone, is to serve them. Jesus was always reaching out and serving. We follow Him by spreading that same love to others today!  Can you image the difference we could make, if we were all willing to see the needs around us, feel compassion for our neighbor, and act in service? That’s the life that you and I were made for! 

Sometimes the only obstacle is knowing where to start. Where do we go, and what can we do? ServeTuscaloosa wants to help you, help others. Our team is out in the community every week meeting our neighbors, and the leaders and organizations that are helping them. They are helping the homeless, feeding the hungry, caring for the sick, and teaching our children - and they are doing a great job! All they need is a little help and support! ServeTuscaloosa knows that you want to be involved, so we work with these organizations to determine what they need. Then, we bring those opportunities to you each month - check out the details for our current event below.

If you have questions, please email